Run for Office as a Libertarian!

The Libertarian Party will be on the ballot in Arkansas in 2024, and we’re looking for candidates to run for public office.

If you believe that people should be able to lead their lives however they see fit with minimal interference from government; if you believe that freedom and prosperity flourish in a world where markets are allowed to work and the U.S. is at peace with its neighbors and the world; if you believe that governments should exist only to protect our rights and freedom, then please consider joining the Libertarian Party of Arkansas and running for office as a Libertarian. Our party is committed to filling the ballot with liberty-minded people like you, not only to win elections but also to alter the course of our state’s political discourse.

In the Libertarian Party strategy, there are three different kinds of candidates (see below).  A full-time commitment is not required to make a significant difference.  Of course, we hope that our candidates will run vigorous campaigns, challenging the entrenched status quo.  But it can also be helpful to simply give the voters another choice on the ballot, providing the option to vote for more freedom and less government.

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas will select candidates at our Annual Convention on the weekend of February 24-25, 2024, so its time to get started.  If you’d like more information about becoming a Libertarian Candidate, you can register at or email us for more information at

We will be in contact with all prospective nominees to request more information about you and your campaign. At the convention in February we will be providing some basic candidate training and tips for campaigning.  Plan to be there!

Join today!     Get Involved!    Run for Office!

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