Natural Liberty – October 2021


Chairman’s Corner

Fellow Libertarians,

Since the last issue of Natural Liberty went to press, we received the good news:  Our petition to become a “new” political party (again) was “sufficient”—the Libertarian Party of Arkansas will be on the ballot in 2022! It’s time to embark on the next phase:  Recruiting candidates to run for office.

This election cycle presents a wide range of opportunities for candidates.  All statewide Constitutional Offices are on the ballot, along with every seat in the Arkansas General Assembly, every County office, Justice of the Peace and Township Constable.  Plus, of course, Arkansas’ four Congressional seats.

Over the past decade, the Libertarian Party has endeavored to build name-recognition and acceptance among the voters by fielding a wide range of candidates. Some offer voters a choice that they might not otherwise have; some run educational campaigns to introduce the principles of libertarianism; some run ambitious campaigns to challenge the status quo.  All types of candidates and campaigns have a role to play in our long-term electoral strategy.

So as we move into the candidate recruiting season, I hope that you will contemplate the possibility of running for office. It can be challenge, but taking on the role of Libertarian candidate can be both personal rewarding and of great service to our cause. Opportunities to sign up for nomination will be coming soon. Please consider it!

In Liberty,


Michael Pakko, Chair

P.S.  For more information on running for office as a Libertarian, click on the banner below:


County Affiliate News

The Membership and Affiliates Committee is pleased to announce the establishment of three new counties: Yell, chaired by Mr. Les Wingo; Carroll, chaired by Mr. Dakota Logan; Miller, chaired by Mr. Kevin Green.

The committee will also be holding its next quarterly meeting with a date TBA at the end of October. During the first quarter of the committee elect an affiliate handbook was established, and four new county affiliates were approved. Goals for this second quarter include:

  • Designing an outreach strategy to reach more counties in districts 1 and 4.
  • Producing a directory of county and district events for new affiliates to get involved with to table or petition at.
  • Outlining district goals for growth, outreach, and elections so that our affiliates have tangible and achievable projects to tackle.
  • Exploring the possibility of secondary leadership for districts that need extra outreach aid.

Our team is proud to continually provide resources to our affiliates, which we consider to be the most important outreach networks. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to start an affiliate, please reach out to


Fundraising Call


Thank you to those of you who contributed to the recent Constitution Day Moneybomb! We raised $800, a fantastic effort toward the rebuilding of funds spent during the battle for ballot access.

Please consider making a contribution of $10, $20, $30 or even a $100 gift to help the Libertarian Party of Arkansas with more successes this coming year!

Are you an LPAR member? If not, visit to become one.

Already a member? Consider upgrading to a Torch Club Monthly Pledge or a Lifetime Membership.


Arkansas News

Congressional Redistricting Affects Party Organization

After COVID-related delays in receiving the 2020 Census data, the Arkansas General Assembly has re-convened and set new boundaries for the state’s U.S. Congressional Districts.  The Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas designate congressional districts as representative districts on our Executive Committee, so the changes affect our organization as well.

The most controversial change made by the legislature was to split Pulaski County, the most populous county in the state.  Most of Pulaski County will remain in the 2nd District, but portions of the east and south of the county will be moved to the 1st district and the 4th district.

Sebastian County remains split, with the northern portion in the 3rd district and the southern portion in the 4th.  The dividing line has been moved, however.

Other counties that were split on the old district map will now be reunited as wholly within one district or another:  Portions of Jefferson County that were in the 1st district will now be in the 4th; the parts of Crawford County that were in the 4th district will now be in the 3rd while the parts of Newton County that were previously in the 3rd will now be in the 4th; and portions of Searcy County that were in the 3rd district will now be in the 1st.

Five counties were moved among districts:  Cleburne County was moved from the 1st district to the 2nd; Boone and Marion Counties were moved from the 3rd district to the 1st; and Madison and Pope Counties switch districts, moving to the 3rd and 4th districts, respectively.

If your district has changed, you have a new representative on the LPAR Executive Committee. Whether or not you’re in a new district, drop your Rep a line and say “Hi!”


Social Media Scene

Our LPAR social media committee warmly welcomes Zach Lachowsky as its new chair! We look forward to growing strong messaging and even more organization as he settles in to serve our team.

We are also now calling for YouTube content. We have a functional YouTube channel and are looking for LPAR campaign material, activism, debates, seminars, etc. If you have any existing material or new projects you would like to submit, please send them to

If you’re not already keeping up with us on our social media platforms, you’re definitely missing out.

  • The LPAR twitter has reached 5,679 followers, and has welcomed Michael Gill to the team in addition to Miranda Corwin!
  • Our Facebook is now looking for a new platform manager. If you are interested, please send an inquiry to
  • We welcome two new managers to the LPAR Instagram! Josh Cormier, our resident social media graphic artist, and Melissa Crow.

Have any graphics or photos from recent events you would like for us to post? Send them to



Volunteer Spotlight:

Zach Mulson & Nickolas Pettingill


An amazing community volunteering effort was put forth this summer in Booneville, AR to clean up a longtime resident’s house that the city had decided to condemn.

Zach Mulson of Sebastian County, Nickolas Pettingill of White County, and the communities of Booneville and Greenwood sacrificed time and resources toward the project. Mulson spoke out against the city’s decision on the local news and organized a day of community work for the house. Pettingill bought and gathered materials and lent a hand working on the house.

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas could not be more proud and thankful to have both Mulson and Pettingill represent our principles and hopes for a unified community.




Leadership seminars hosted by Dr. Phillip Fletcher have been a great hit!  Leaders from each affiliate that have participated were able to learn about the important aspects of their influential positions and how they can utilize them for success.

Participants took a leadership quiz, had group discussions, and were challenged to utilize their skills in more effective ways. Dr. Fletcher shared a wealth of information we hope will be used to transform the LPAR into a more productive organization. We hope to host many more training sessions for our members to take part in by leaders from all areas of expertise.

If you’d like to have Dr. Fletcher lead a seminar in your area, contact him here.


The 2021 Region 7 Affiliate and Campaign Training Initiative led by LP activist and sitting Minnesota city councilwoman Cara Schultz was a success! The Libertarian Party of Arkansas members in attendance were Dr. Michael Pakko (Pulaski County), Luke Griggs (Washington County), Greg Sharp (Saline County), and Kevin Green (Miller County). They hope to share their knowledge as we enter candidate season and expand our party organization. The event was held in Shreveport, Louisiana.


State Convention – February 18-20, 2022

Our next statewide event will be the 2022 Annual Convention, scheduled for the weekend of February 18-20. This will be a multi-day convention packed with breakout training sessions, candidate nominations, guest speakers, and more.  Mark your calendar!

Interested in working on the events committee to help organize the convention? Email us.

Upcoming Events

  • The Benton County Libertarian Party will be hosting a trash cleanup on Saturday, October 23rd.
  • The Faulkner County Libertarian Party will be hosting a trunk or treat event in conjunction with The City of Hope Outreach of Conway on Saturday, October 30th.
  • The State Executive Committee will be having it’s next in person meeting on Saturday, November 6th, the place of meeting TBA.
  • Benton County Libertarian Party is also planning a ”Living Free in an Unfree World” workshop with a date TBA.

Want your event featured in the next quarter of the 2021 LPAR newsletter? Email it to us.


Golden Library

We know libertarians love to learn, and what better way to share our passion than reader recommendations?  Here is a recent recommendation:

[T]he best comprehensive read on the last 20 years of the ‘War on Terror.’ Scott Horton clearly and passionately recalls each sin of actors within the U.S. government who have conducted war crimes in the name of patriotism.

– Linnea Gabbard, Faulkner County


Did you read, listen to, or watch anything you’d like to recommend? Email us with your pick!


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Comments, questions, or suggestions for our newsletter? Let us know at

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas

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