Ballot Access Drive

Volunteer Incentive Program 2022

Recognition!      Membership Rewards!      Cash Prizes!      Free T-Shirts!

In order to mobilize our volunteer resources to the fullest for this year’s Ballot Access Petition Campaign, the Libertarian Party of Arkansas is announcing a Volunteer Incentive Program.  For each level of achievement in volunteer signature-collection, we’re offering progressively higher awards.  We’ll be maintaining running progress of our total volunteer efforts on the website.

Here are the award levels:

      • 10 Signatures: Yeoman
      • 30 Signatures: Achiever
      • 75 Signatures: Petitioner
      • 150 Signatures: Overachiever
      • 300 Signatures: Professional
      • 1000 Signatures: VIP (Very Impressive Petitioner)

Achievement awards will be presented at the 2021 Annual Convention on May 15th, but the incentives will remain in place until we turn in our signatures in late June.

Here’s a table of the rewards available:

*T-Shirts will be available at the convention for 10 signatures or a $30 donation to the Ballot Access Fund.

To register for the Volunteer Incentive Program, please sign up to be a become a Volunteer Petition Canvasser!


Become a volunteer petitioner

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