It should not be a surprise that the Party of Principle, Small Business and Small Government might not be welcome where it’s platform and intent would be to “reduce” the size of the Big Rock and return it to its unimportant former “Little” status. Thankfully the Second Congressional district extends far beyond the boundaries of da Capitol to places like Clinton (in Van Buren County)
For the latest updates on “District Boundaries follow the links at the Secretary of States web site to UALR’s “District Finder” the direct link is
it is a slooow site so be patient and take the time to “figure it out.” As you should see Conway (Faulkner Co), Dardanelle (Yell County) and Searcy (White County) are ALL in the district. These places have yet to become government “strangle holds.”
The point here is that all politics are local and if we can reach beyond the Little Rock library (another Government! institution) and seek those in the “Free State of Yell!” or Clinton or … our chances of success might increase.
As to the that other notion that our “support” of the unalienable RIGHT to self medicate. All that it should take is knowledge of such government nonsense as declaring that “RAW” milk is a dangerous “drug” whose use and consumption needs to be made “illegal” to convince most sane people that Congress should NOT be allowed to interfere with the choices WE the People can and should be allowed to make.
Before the 1930’s America was healthier, had better “health care” AND over 30% of the “privately approved patent medicine” (USP) were based on the chemicals found in Cannabis. From before the revolution (1776) until after the last “world war” (1945) American farmers were REQUIRED to plant hemp. The oil, rope, cloth and paper made from so called “ditch weed” were important industrial commodities without which our nation could not survive.
And yes if tobacco was scare the flowers could be smoked. That all changed over night when for greed and profit reasons the politicians in Washington District of Corruption “rename” it Marijuana and made it another “illegal immigrant”
OK so what does that have to do with the current price of tea in China, the Libertarian Party AND Clinton Arkansas. Well it seems that Robert Reed, another former and also unloved State Chair is once again stirin the pot. Pun certainly intended. For details see today’s Arkansas Democrat Gazette (River Valley and Ozark Ed and June 4, 2010 @11:47pm) article by Caroline Zilk entitled Medical Marijuana / Van Buren County group pushes for medical cannabis legislation. What will those crazy Libertarians do next?