Natural Liberty – July 2021

Summer is Here!

It’s time to fire up the grill, get the boat in the lake, and light some fireworks. But during this time, we must remember the hard work it takes to keep our freedom to partake in these wonderful events. Two hundred and forty-five years ago, the founders of this country risked their station, wealth, and very lives to start this experiment of freedom. The fight for freedom is continuous, and we hope after reading what the Libertarian Party of Arkansas has been doing this past year, it’s a fight you’ll want to join.


Chairman’s Corner

Fellow Libertarians,

I am thrilled to greet you in this, the inaugural issue of Natural Liberty, a quarterly newsletter from the Libertarian Party of Arkansas.

This is a propitious time to be starting a newsletter. The Party just completed a ballot access petition campaign that was costly and exhausting, but ensures that the LP will be on the ballot in Arkansas in 2022.

So we are embarking on a new beginning – a new electoral cycle – and we are building from strengths and experiences that we’ve built up over the past decade. Plus, we have new energy from recent growth: over the past year our membership increased by 80%, and our 2021 Convention was the biggest in recent memory. Our base of activists, volunteers, and donors is growing in tandem.

Now is the time for us to pivot to the 2022 elections. We need to recruit and encourage libertarians to step forward and run for public office and be in a position to support their candidacies. We have 16 months until election day, November 8, 2022. Let’s get going!

Michael Pakko, Chair


County Affiliate News

The Membership and Affiliates Committee is proud to recognize the work of the county chairs and district representatives who have managed to kick off their newly elected term with the establishment of several affiliates and fresh plans to foster the existing affiliates. Membership has risen 80% in the past year based on the work of the core of this team and will continue to rise as we strengthen our productivity. Goals for this team to be met this quarter include:

  • A new Affiliate Handbook for chairs to navigate their chair-ship and grow their affiliates to the best of their ability. This handbook will contain information on board structure, how to hold meetings, how to recruit, applications for understanding the goals of a county affiliate, and much more. The handbook will be available after the state executive committee meeting, Saturday, July 10th.
  • Producing a directory of county and district events for new affiliates to get involved with to table or petition at.
  • Outlining district goals for growth, outreach, and elections so that our affiliates have tangible and achievable projects to tackle.

County Affiliates - July 2021

Our team is proud to continually provide resources to our affiliates, which we consider to be the most important outreach networks. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to start an affiliate, please reach out to


Fundraising Call

Our recent ballot access drive was a success from your monetary donations and time…and we appreciate those who have already donated to recoup some of the losses!

As we go forth into preparing for election season, there are many opportunities around the state for affiliates to table as well as events that the state Events Committee has planned to invigorate outreach and participation in preparation for our activists and potential candidates. We desperately need the funds to enrich our party and provide the resources and materials involved.

Please consider making a contribution of $10, $20, $30 or even a $100 gift to help the Libertarian Party of Arkansas with more successes this coming year!

Are you an LPAR member? If not, visit to become one.

Already a member? Consider upgrading to a Torch Club Monthly Pledge or a Lifetime Membership.


Social Media Scene

Our social media team continues to crush it with consistent and interactive messaging. We are now major players in the social media atmosphere of the LP, which is great for our growing affiliate in Arkansas. In addition to our established platforms, we will be reviving our YouTube channel to include informative and instructional videos, content from conventions, LPAR speakers, and activism from our affiliates!

If you’re not already keeping up with us on our social media platforms, you’re definitely missing out.

The LPAR twitter has crossed the 5500 mark in followers, and is continually pressing on in the relevancy of both national and state atmospheres.

Our Facebook has also grown in the past year, with daily likes and considerable interactions in the comments.

Even without a current manager, our Instagram has over 1500 followers and is growing daily. It has been an excellent recruiting tool, gaining five members from the platform alone!

Have any graphics or photos from recent events you would like for us to post? Send them to

LPAR’s social media scene is thriving, but we still NEED YOUR HELP! We are seeking a motivated Instagram manager willing to work with our team of platform users who will post at least once every other day. No experience necessary, and we are willing to provide initial training. If you or anyone you know is interested, please email us at


Volunteer Spotlight:

The Benton County Libertarian Party

Ballot Drive 2021 - Benton County
The Benton County Libertarian Party came in with the highest county totals for ballot access signatures in the state! The breakdown includes Miranda Corwin, coming in at first with 147 signatures, Bobby Wilson in second with 120, and TJ Campbell at third with 97. They worked to organize at farmers markets, gun shows, and other events to promote signature gathering.We also want to recognize Stephen Edwards from Sebastien County who collected 96, Joe Swofford from Pulaski County with 91, Delorse Croissette from Marion County with 81.

Thank you to the rest of our volunteers who put in the effort for our ballot access drive!



We had a very successful convention this past May in Little Rock! Congratulations to the newly elected members of the state executive committee, and thank you to the volunteers who worked on the convention, as well as all the attendees.

LPAR Executive Committee 2021

Our 2022 state convention is scheduled for the weekend of February 18-20. Further announcements regarding that event will be announced closer to time. Keep on the lookout for announcements on our upcoming inaugural fundraising dinner scheduled for October, a sure to be fancy LPAR event! Interested in working on the events committee? Email Miranda.

The 2021 Regional Affiliate and Campaign Training Initiative is a greatLNC Regional Trainings and intensive opportunity to familiarize Libertarian candidates and staff with the basic elements of running campaigns and affiliate organizations. This initiative is led by LP activist and sitting Minnesota city councilwoman Cara Schultz.

Members of LPAR are joining other state affiliates in Region 7 on September 25th & 26th in Shreveport, Louisiana. Register Here.

Leadership Seminars:
Faulkner County Libertarian Party member and founder and executive director of The City of Hope Outreach (CoHo), is hosting an organizational leadership seminar for both county and state executive committee members of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas. Executive committee members, please register your county as soon as possible!

Upcoming Events

  • The County Affiliates of District 2 led by the Faulkner County Libertarian Party are throwing a post Independence Day cookout, Liberty at the Lake, Saturday, July 10th from 12p to 5p at Beaverfork Lake Park in Conway. Bring buns, chips, drinks, sunscreen, and anything else you need to this family friendly event! Meat will be provided.
  • The Faulkner County Libertarian Party will be tabling Conway Daze, a back to school event for college students At the University of Central Arkansas to get familiar with city organizations.
  • NWA Libertarians will be participating in the NWA Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention on September 26th.
  • Benton Co and Washington Co. Libertarians are planning a joint event currently called NWA Liberty Expo on September 18th, details TBA.

Want your event featured in the next quarter of the 2021 LPAR newsletter? Email it to us.


Golden Library

We know libertarians love to learn, and what better way to share our passion than reader recommendations? These are a couple of books that have been on some of our member’s minds these past few months:

Leading Like a Libertarian  

Lead like a Libertarian, easily consumed in two reading sessions, is a one-of-kind, irreplaceable tool for building a stronger libertarian party. Through writing this memoir, Pat Dixon passionately coaches us how to continue paving the golden brick road.

– Shawn Sheeler, Crawford Co.

A swarm can only grow at the edges. All efforts within the organization should be geared towards supporting that fringe effort to accelerate momentum. If you want THE tactical guide to implementing lightning quick change, Swarmwise is for you!

– Luke Griggs, Washington Co.


For your own PDF copy of Swarmwise, go HERE!

Did you read, listen to, or watch anything you’d like to recommend? Email us with your pick!

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Comments, questions, or suggestions for our newsletter? Let us know at


Happy Independence Day,

The Libertarian Party of Arkansas

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