Every day there are many local issues that Arkansas Libertarians can and should comment on. More than I can keep up with and certainly more than we can hope to do but this is where our home is and this is where we can have the most influence.
While the mainstream media is certainly biased so are we. If we can learn to set aside our petty little disagreements perhaps we can all work together to learn and earn a better future for all. As an online subscriber to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette I have chosen to receive their “Morning Email Update” that “selects” what is in their opinion the best stories each weekday and sends me the headlines with links to the first few paragraphs.
It is my opinion that our party should chose the one issue each day that presents the best opportunity for us to offer a Libertarian alternative to local issues. This could be done in the manner of a daily survey with “rank choice” voting. All that would take is translating the “headlines” into quick questions and everyone on the list “reading” them and assigning importance/relevancy to each item. The “voting” would cut off at around noon and the results would get posted along with as much of the article as the copyright holder will allow.
Those with subscription could view/download the article. We then spend the rest of that day researching and thinking about the Libertarian way or our own idea of it to solve or at least improving the situation. That evening we chose who ever seems to be the leader on that issue and ask them to make an entry in the Arkansas Topics category and the rest of us agree to make editorial comments.
At the end of the week or whenever appropriate our media coordinator would take one of the dailies and issue some form of press release and/or letter to the editor type comment over the signature of our “leader”.