The only election in Arkansas this month is the None Partisan ballot for Judges and other races without Party. Sadly most folks mistakenly tell the world I AM a Democrat and support THEM or I AM a Republican and support them by not asking for the none partisan ballot.
In Arkansas you cannot register as a Party member and that blank on the voter form is optional. The only partisan political act you can “officially” do is vote in one of the preferential “Party” primaries. Now for your convenience or is that confusion they add the None Partisan part to the Party Nomination Form.
Even worse. Arkansas has one the highest rates of unopposed candidates in the November General (Real) Election. In many cases voters are completely disenfranchised when they vote None Partisan or chose the other (Democratic or Republican Nomination) Forms. If the Sheriff is a D, you vote R and there are no R candidates for Sheriff oh well the Ds have it. So much for having a say so in that election.
And then it gets even worse. Quite often cities and counties are one horse towns. Lets face facts, in 2/3 of Arkansas the Republicans have yet to elect their first ever NEW sheriff in town. When someone new finally gets on the ballot cross party voting – where operatives from the opposing side vote in the enemies primary – allows the entrenched politician to hand select themselves a weaker challenger. Legally it is not ballot box stuffing then again we aint quite sure about the definition of that thar IS word.
If you HAVE to support the Democrats or Republicans because they are the only game in town then do so. Having good local government is more important then party politics. But if you can avoid the trap. Just tell them You KNOW! by selecting – ask for it! – a None Partisan Ballot for the May 18th Primary.
Oh and maybe send your favorite “unrecognized and unappreciated” Arkansas Libertarian Party a few $Thank you$