Identifying Wise People

Wise people celebrate their own selfhood.  They take pleasure in being self-reliant adventurers on their own roads in life.

Wise people know the importance of their bodies.  They work for health by managing exercise, good food, proper use of drugs and supplements.  They avoid needless stress and personal risks.

Wise people know that life will end.  They face life squarely, avoiding superstition and false hopes.

Wise people enjoy the company of family and friends.  They know that time spent with people of like experiences and like values makes their lives richer.

Wise people know that some people have a sense of integrity, justice and fair play and can be trusted.  Other people do not possess these civilizing values and must be avoided and protected against.

Wise people know that work gives them a sense of achievement and makes them free.  Work creates security and wealth to support their lives.

Wise people pursue music, art, literature, sport and other forms of play because they know human expression makes their lives enjoyable.

Wise people want to understand and appreciate the wonders of science and nature.  They understand that knowledge sweeps away fears and ignorance and makes life better.

Wise people are aware of their communities.  They know that they live richer lives when the people around them also live safe, productive, secure lives.  They work to end the suffering of other people and animals.  And, they know there are natural and man-made dangers to their lives that must be dealt with.

Wise people fight to maintain their freedom.  They know that force and exploitation can destroy everything valuable in their lives.

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