The Libertarian Party of Arkansas purchased 2000 door hangers from the LP along with labels to add our specific contact information on each hanger. These door hangers are available for any LPAR member to use to hang on door, hand out at events, etc. Please send me an email with your address and the number of door hangers you would like to hand out, and I will get them out to you very quickly.
Tom Carpenter bought 500 hangers from the LP earlier this month. He and Michael Dugger plan to hang all 500 of these in the Hot Springs area soon. If you are interested in helping them hang these, please email me and I will pass that information on to them.
My wife, Jessica, and I also purchased 500 of these earlier this month and will be hanging these out soon in the Crittenden County area. If you are interested in helping us hang these, please email me and I will get you started!