It was an honor to represent the Great State of Arkansas at the LP National Convention this year. Thank you for allowing my wife and I to become delegates. We made many contacts around the country and on the LNC that we would never have had otherwise.
As many of you may already know from our blog, Arkansas is now in the region that includes Alabama, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. This is a mixture of the regions formally known as Region 2 and Region 4, so there will be a new name for the region. When that name is known, I will let everyone know.
Mark Hinkle, former California State Chair is the new LNC National Chair. He is a very principled and experienced man, and I feel he will serve our party extremely well.
Other office races went as follows: Mark Rutherford was elected Vice Chair, Alicia Mattson was elected Secretary and James Oaksun was elected Treasurer. The new At-Large Representatives are: Dr. Mary Ruwart, Wayne Allyn Root, Bill Redpath, David Nolan, and Kevin Knedler.
It is my goal to work closely with this new LNC to promote Liberty and Libertarianism in Arkansas and around the country. This is our time. This is our moment. We must seize this moment or forever be the party that never was.
If you have any questions or comments abut what went on at the convention, please let me know!
In Liberty,
Rodger Paxton
First District Representative
Arkansas Libertarian Party